If your HP printer is not printing black ink, it can be frustrating. This guide will walk you through troubleshooting and fixing the issue, applicable to most HP printer models, such as the HP OfficeJet series. Here’s how you can address and resolve the problem effectively.

Symptoms of the Issue:

  • Black ink not appearing on printed documents.
  • Test pages missing black ink.
  • Color prints substituting for black areas.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fix Black Ink Not Printing

1. Check the Ink Cartridge
  • Visual Inspection: Remove the black ink cartridge from your printer. Inspect the bottom of the cartridge where the ink is supposed to flow out. If it looks clogged or dried up, this might be the root of the issue.
  • Clean the Cartridge:
    • Use an alcohol pad or a paper towel slightly dampened with rubbing alcohol.
    • Gently blot the print head of the cartridge to clean any dried ink or debris. Avoid rubbing too hard to prevent damage.
    • If the cartridge is severely clogged, you might need to repeat this cleaning process a few times.
2. Install a New Cartridge
Solved: HP Printer Black Ink Not Printing 3
  • Replace the Cartridge: If cleaning doesn’t help, or if the cartridge appears damaged, consider replacing it with a new one.
  • Remove Protective Tape: When installing a new cartridge, ensure you remove any protective tape covering the print head.
  • Install Properly: Insert the new cartridge into the printer. Push it in until it clicks securely into place.
3. Run a Printer Alignment
  • Align the Cartridges: After installing the new or cleaned cartridge, close the printer cover and follow the on-screen instructions to align the cartridges. This step ensures that the print heads are properly aligned for optimal print quality.
  • Print a Test Page: Print a test page to verify that the black ink is printing correctly. The test page should show black ink in the appropriate areas.
4. Additional Tips
  • Use Genuine Cartridges: Ensure you are using genuine HP cartridges, as third-party or refurbished cartridges can sometimes cause issues.
  • Keep Cartridges Sealed: If you store extra cartridges, keep them sealed in their original packaging until you need to use them. This helps prevent them from drying out.
  • Regular Use: Regularly use your printer to keep the ink flowing and prevent clogs. Printing a page or two every week can help maintain the cartridges.


By following these steps, you can resolve the issue of your HP printer not printing black ink. Regular maintenance and using genuine products can also prevent future problems. If these steps do not solve the problem, it may be a more complex hardware issue that requires professional assistance.

For purchasing new cartridges or additional printer supplies, check out the links provided below.

  • New HP Ink Cartridges: AMAZON
  • Additional Printer Supplies: AMAZON

Maintaining your printer and addressing issues promptly can ensure that it remains in good working order, saving you time and frustration. Happy printing!

Video: HP Printer black ink not printing